About Me_0254_RT_F.jpg

"Why practice yoga? Because it makes you feel better"


- Dania


The first time I touched a yoga mat was many moons ago during a lunch time session while still at art school.

The wonder I felt from Pranayama and shavasana is what motivated me to maintain a yoga practice. Yet I quickly realised there was no fast tracking in achieving this blissful state.

Art, Yoga and Food are my three passions but not necessarily in that order.

When my third child was born in 2003, I moved on from a career as an Art teacher to qualify as a Yoga teacher.
Yoga had worked its way to the forefront of my life and I am always learning.

To satisfy my academic curiosities, I pursued a Masters Degree at SOAS university in β€œ Yoga Traditions and Meditation β€œ which I completed in 2017.

I am also a qualified UK registered MBSR ( Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction ) teacher. A tool which is vital by gaining awareness of our own stress and having the skills to reduce this. 

I have had the privilege of learning from world renowned scholars and I will be forever grateful for their insight into this ancient philosophy, while I continue to expand my desire for knowledge.

Yoga travels have taken me far and wide including India, Vietnam, Bali and in 2015, I hosted a yoga retreat in the remote jungle surrounded by nature and the wild endangered Orangutans of Sumatra.

I can’t wait to return.

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